Growth groups are, you guessed it, places of growth! Growth in our understanding of who God, and what Christians believe. They’re for anyone, although it’s ideal if you’ve been through Alpha or something similar first. We’re in the process of launching Growth Groups.
We have one that meets already on a Monday evening fortnightly (on the Monday night when Alpha doesn’t meet). We’re in the Hall from 7.45. We pray, worship, study the Bible and discuss. If you’re interested in joining a Growth Group, please contact us. We’re looking to start more Growth Groups soon.
- 9.15am
- Sundays
- In the Hall
Currently looking at the life of Jesus and the disciples through the Gospel of Mark.
- 7.45pm
- Mondays
- In the Hall
Currently looking at Paul’s letter to the Philippians.
- 7.45pm
- Tuesdays
- In the Vicarage
Currently studying the Bible Course.
- 9.45am
- Wednesdays
- In the Chapel
‘Happy and Blessed’ currently looking at the the Beatitudes. Revd Damian will be leading this five-week course exploring some of the best known of Jesus teachings. The course explores the context of ideas in the Beatitudes, the insights that differing translations bring to them, and how they continue to challenge us in our world today including our attitude to possessions, to loss and forgiveness, to judgement and salvation. Written by popular author John.
Places available. No booking required – just turn up!