The bread and butter of the Christian Church is to help people discover who God is. Here at Christ Church we want to journey with you.
We’re developing a three-step pathway which we hope will help move from initially exploring who God is, to eventually knowing who God is. From start to finish the pathway will take around six months, consisting of one session (a couple of hours) a week. If that sounds like something you’re keen to do, here are the three parts of the pathway:
1. Alpha Course
2. Essentials Course
3. Bible Course
Growth Groups
Having explored who God is and what the Bible reveals about him, the journey of discovery doesn’t need to end there. Growth Groups are ongoing ways to meet with others to know God, know his incredible love for you, and know his involvement in your life. There are several meeting during the week (just choose one).
If this all sounds useful to you, we’d love to hear from you. Please make contact or pop along to some of our services or activities.