Men United
- Often Fri night
- Various venues
Meeting monthly, Men United is a gathering of men of all ages. We tend to meet on a Friday night, with a different venue each month. This is usually a restaurant, house, or the Church Hall. Recent gatherings of Men United have included visits to Charlie James Pie & Mash, Rustic to Regal, Michael’s Indian Restaurant, Oriential Kitchen, North Euston, La Dolce Vita, and a BBQ at the Vicarage.
Men United is coordinated by John Hearnshaw, Churchwarden. Please contact him for more information. Latest dates can be found in the diary.
All are welcome!

- Wed & Fri mornings
Meeting on a Wednesday and Friday morning, the Fridaymen meet to tackle a range of tasks, from pruning, planting and weeding to painting and minor repair – you name it, the Fridaymen will give it a go! They focus most of their work in the Churchyard, helping the Sexton to keep it looking as good as it can be.
The Fridaymen really enjoy meeting together. They enjoy an annual Christmas meal and fish and chips in the Vicarage garden.