The Meadows Coffee Shop
- 10.00am–12 noon
- Monday-Friday
- In the Hall
- For everyone
Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning, from 10.30am until 1.00pm, the bright, warm and comfortable Hall is open for complimentary filter coffee and tea. Other speciality drinks, toast and crumpets are available for a small charge. The Coffee Shop is the perfect place to catch up with a friend or make new friends or just to come and read a book or newspaper.
The Hall is a pleasant and peaceful place to be, with sofas and coffee tables. Come on your own or with a group of friends. Ask a member of the team, and we’ll group the sofas together for you to use.
On a Tuesday morning, the Chat and Craft group meet during the Coffee Shop, from 10.30am.

The Meadows Luncheon Club
- 12–1pm
- Monday-Thursday
- In the Hall
- For everyone
Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lunchtime, lunch is served in the Hall, between 12.00pm and 1.00pm. There are two flavours of freshly made soup to choose from along with fresh bread rolls,delivered to us by Taylors of Cleveleys. Freshly made sandwiches, Seabrook crisps, Grandma Wild’s biscuits and Wallings ice cream are all served, along with fresh filter coffee and tea.
There is no set price and those coming along give what they feel is an appropriate donation to cover the cost. There is a lovely atmosphere and a regular and friendly team who provide the hospitality. Even if you don’t fancy a bite to eat, you’re welcome to pop in for a complimentary tea or coffee.

The Meadows Food Pantry
- 9am–1pm
- Monday-Thursday
- In the Hall
- For everyone
Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lunchtime, the Pantry is open, between 9.00am and 1.00pm. Providing tinned, frozen and fresh food to those in need of support. We are in the process of building up the stock of food, recruiting volunteers and arranging the room.
If you are in need of food, or would like to volunteer, or would like to donate food, please contact us.

Table Tennis Club
- 2.30-4.30pm
- Thursday
- For everyone
Our table tennis club meet on a Thursday evening, starting at 7.45pm and finishing by 9.45pm. Bats and balls are provided. There are four top quality table tennis tables. Fresh filter coffee, tea, water, squash and biscuits are provided throughout the evening. There is a small charge of £2 per person to attend the evening – the first time is free of charge. There are a range of abilities, from beginners to league players. It’s a friendly and fun place to be! It is open to everyone in the community.
The group mainly consists of adults but young people are welcome and must be accompanied by their parent/guardian. Please feel free to turn up or contact us for more information.

Lyrics and Lunch
- 12-2pm
- Monday & Thursday
- In the Hall
- For those living with dementia and their carers
Lyrics and Lunch is a group for those living with dementia and their carers. It meets every Monday from 12.00pm-2.00pm in the Hall. This is a singing and music group where we sing old, familiar songs and learn a few new ones. We have a go at singing simple rounds and at playing percussion instruments along with some of the songs.
The cost is £3 per person which is to cover the cost of food. We serve soup, sandwiches, ice cream, tea and coffee and biscuits. All are welcome – please feel free to turn up or contact us for more information.

Chat and Craft
- 10.30am - 12 noon
- Tuesday & Friday
- In the Hall
Chat and Craft meet on a Tuesday morning at the Coffee Shop in the Hall at 10.30am and on a Friday afternoon in the Hall at 1.30pm.
Feel free to turn up and join in or contact us for more information.