Weekly News on Saturday 21st December 2024

Names. They all mean something. What does yours mean?

The name Jesus is the English translation of the name Iēsous, which is the Koine Greek translation of the Hebrew name Yeshua (in English ‘Joshua’).
Let’s dig a little deeper. Yeshua is made up from two words. “ya” which is an abbreviation for Yahweh (the name of God) and “yash” which means to rescue or save. Literally then the name Yeshua / Jesus means “God saves.”

It’s no wonder then the angel told Joseph what to call his soon to be born son: “You are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

The job description of Jesus is in his name! He is the God who saves, the God who rescues.

How often we hear people say the name of Jesus in a frivolous way, as if there is something common about the name or about him as a person. Not so! He is the God who saves. The only person ever to be born in order to die. His mission: be born, be killed, be raised to life. 

May you, this Christmas time, know Iēsous / Yeshua / Jesus to be the most special name, the most special person, who had the most special mission. Jesus came to save – to save you – to save you from sin, satan, and death. Jesus came to bring you to God, fully and forever.

Have a wonderful Jesus-shaped Christmas.

With love,


Sunday Services

The services and activities on Sunday 22nd December are:

  • 10:00 AM – Traditional Carol Service with Holy Communion (livestreamed)
  • 5:00 PM – Treehouse Nativity Service (all welcome)
  • 6:00 PM – Mulled Wine and Mince Pies
  • 7:00 PM – Contemporary Carol Service (livestreamed)


Watching Online

As usual our livestreams can be viewed on our YouTube channel here and our Facebook channel here.


Would you like to read at the Contemporary Carol Service?

At the 7:00 PM service on Sunday we will have nine Bible readings interspersed with the carols. It’s a great opportunity to come to the front and serve God and enjoy reading aloud the breath of God! Maybe you do it often, maybe you’ve never done it before. If you fancy a go, send me an email TODAY and I’ll return your email before 10:00 AM tomorrow morning to let you know whether you are needed and what your reading will be. Get involved!


Christmas Services

Tuesday 24th December (Christmas Eve)

  • Christingle Service at 3:00 PM
  • Midnight Communion Service at 11:30 PM

Wednesday 25th December (Christmas Day)

  • Christmas Morning Service at 10:00 AM
  • Community Chistmas Dinner at 1:00 PM

Sunday 29th December

  • Combined services at 10:00 AM
  • (no other services taking place)

Christmas Services.png


Church and Community Centre Opening Times

From Thursday 26th December until Thursday 2nd January, the buildings will not be open at all. On Friday 3rd January funerals are taking place. Everything will resume to the normal programme on Sunday 5th January 2025.


Mrs Barbara Sillis

The funeral service for the late Mrs Barbara Sillis will be on Friday 3rd January at 1:30 PM at Christ Church Thornton, followed by burial in the Churchyard, followed by refreshments in the Community Centre Hall. All are welcome.


This is the last weekly news email of the year! The next one you receive will be on Friday 3rd January. I look forward to seeing lots of you over Christmas. Just so you know, my availability immediately after Christmas will be limited. I will be enjoying a post-Christmas break with family from Thursday 26th December to Thursday 2nd January and on Saturday 4th January. Back to normal from Sunday 5th January!

With blessings,


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