“the Father, the Almighty”
This Sunday we continue our new journey through the Nicene Creed, which was first penned in 325 AD and refined in 381 AD. It is said by hundreds of millions of Christians every Sunday across the world. As such, it is very important that we know what we mean when we say it.
Rev’d Paul Clemence will be helping us understand “the Father, the Almighty” which follows on from “We believe in one God” last week.
I’ll be visiting Fleetwood on Sunday morning to take the services at both St. David’s and St. Peter’s in light of Andrew’s temporary absence due to illness. Whilst still feeling unwell, Andrew is much better than he was and is getting stronger each day. He is grateful for your prayers.
A special mention about Wednesday – an opportunity to enjoy and cake and coffee and ask questions – at 2:00 PM in the Community Centre Hall.
God bless you all!
Sunday Services
The services and activities on Sunday 19th January 2025 are:
- 9:00 AM Traditional (The Book of Common Prayer) Service of Holy Communion (with refreshments afterwards)
- 10:00 AM Meadows Books open (until 10:45 AM)
- 11:00 AM Contemporary Communion Service (livestreamed with refreshments afterwards)
- 12:15 PM Meadows Books’ open (until 12:45 PM)
- 5:00 PM Treehouse Family Worship (with refreshments)
- 6:00 PM Meadows Books open (until 6:15 PM)
Watching Online, Bible Reading and Order of Service
Our livestream can be viewed on our YouTube channel here and our Facebook channel here. In our services we will be looking at the following Bible readings: Isaiah 40.21-28 (Church Bible page 619) and Romans 8.12-16 (Church Bible page 807). The 11:00 AM order of service is available here.
SPECIAL OFFER: 10% off all items in the shop from 12th January to 31st January. The Meadows Books is open Monday to Saturday from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM. It’s also open after services on a Sunday when possible.
Churches Together in Thornton
Churches Together in Thornton invite you to celebrate the annual week for Christian Unity. There is a special event at Christ Church on Wednesday 22nd January at 2:00 PM in the Community Centre Hall. There will be coffee, cakes, and questions – an opportunity, perhaps, to ask about each other’s faiths. Numbers coming would be helpful for catering purposes (no charge). Please speak to Ann Hearnshaw for more information. All are very welcome.
Please book here for ‘Cookhouse’ family teatime cookery class on Friday 24th January at 5:00 PM. Booking is essential. Please note that the volunteers purchase ingredients at 12 noon the day before (Thursday). Bookings will therefore close at 12 noon on Thursday.
Bible Teaching Workshop
Jonathan Lamb will be coming to the Fylde Coast on the morning of Saturday 25th January 2025. As the Church celebrates the Conversion of St Paul that day, he will explore “The Message of 2 Corinthians – encouragements for Christians feeling hard pressed and ineffective.” It will take place in the Poulton Community Hall, Vicarage Road, Poulton. Coffee at 9:00 AM for a 9:30 AM start. It will finish at 12:45 PM. The workshop is free of charge.
A little more info about the workshop…
Are you feeling weak and ineffective in your witness as a Christian? You will not be alone. Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth is full of encouragements for Christians who feel hard-pressed and ineffective. Throughout his letter Paul reminds us that God’s glory and power is best seen in the weakness of Jesus on the cross. And now that we are united to Christ, we too can know his power in the midst of weakness, enabling us to live like Him, and confidently share God’s message of reconciliation with those around us. Come and hear The message of 2 Corinthians and be encouraged and equipped for your work as a Christian in the local church.
The speaker Jonathan Lamb is a writer and teacher, and minister-at-large for Keswick Ministries. He has worked in local church ministry, then amongst students in the UK and also globally.
Registration: for planning purposes, please let the organiser know if you plan to attend this free workshop. It is being organised by David Gascoigne at St. Chad’s Church in Poulton. Email davidpgascoigne@gmail.com or Mobile 07768 303462.
Football match!
The next men’s 11-a-side football is match is on Saturday 25th January, at 10:30 AM at Common Edge Playing Fields in Blackpool (next to Blackpool Airport).
An evening of prayer
Come and join others from across the Blackburn Diocese to pray for the future of the Church of England in our nation. On Thursday 30th January, 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM, at St. Cuthbert’s Church Fulwood, Preston.
Move & Chat
Move & Chat recommences on Friday 31st January.
We’re delighted to be welcoming the Chapel Choir of Rossall School on Sunday 2nd February at 3:00 PM in Church.
An evening at Singleton Lodge
Have you ever tussled with the subjects of science and faith? Are they compatible, at odds with each other, or complementary? On Thursday 27th February at 6:30 PM at Singleton Lodge, Rev Andrew Sach will be speaking on the subject of “How is Christian faith still relevant in this modern scientific world?” This evening includes an evening meal and drinks and is ideal to invite a friend. For more details and to book click on this link here.
Flowers in Church
For Easter, Harvest, and Christmas, it will be wonderful to have pedastals of fresh flowers in Church. Judith Moore is willing to coordinate this and work with a small team of people to make this happen. She’s looking for 3-4 people. Please reply to this email if you’re interested and you’ll be put in touch with Judith Moore.
2025 Treehouse Weekend Away – “Hallowed”
Once again we’re driving up the M6 to Grange-over-Sands for the fourth Treehouse Weekend Away. It’s only an hour from door-to-door. We’ll be staying at the Thornleigh Christian Hotel. The weekend will take place from Friday 31st October to Sunday 2nd November. The weekend will be full board, including all meals in the hotel from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch, with plenty of coffee breaks and biscuits inbetween. On the Saturday afternoon there might be a special trip to Holker Hall & Gardens in the nearby Holker Estate in Cartmel.
The Treehouse Weekend Away is always a great opportunity to spend time together whilst growing deeper in our Christian faith. The theme will be “hallowed.”
How much? As a church we always try to subsidise the cost of the weekend for all who go, to ensure cost isn’t a barrier and to make things a little easier for families to budget, especially so close to Christmas. The price for the weekend is £155 per adult (17+). £35 for ages
3–5, £55 for ages 6–11, and £75 for ages 12–16. Children aged 0–2 are free of charge.
BOOK NOW! Places are available on a first come first served basis.
You can book and pay for places for the weekend here. If you’d prefer to pay in instalments by bank transfer, you can find the bank details here.
If the affordability of the weekend is a struggle, please get in touch. We don’t want cost to be a barrier to anyone attending.
Giving to God
There are numerous ways to give to God and contribute to the mission and ministry of Christ Church:
- Bank transfer – details available here
- By dated giving envelopes (on request)
- By contactless machine at the back of Church (or sometimes positioned in the Pilgrim’s Rest or the Community Centre)
- Online giving – you can give online here
- You can give by text with a smartphone. Send a text to 07380 307 800 containing our keyword “CCTFY5”, followed by the word “give”, followed by the amount you wish to give. For example “CCTFY5 give £10” to give £10. Step by step instuctions here
- Cash in the collection plate (positioned on the font)
Bank transfer or standing order is the preferred method of giving as they do not have any processing fees attached. Tax payers can add Gift Aid to their gift. More information about this can be found on the website here.
Diary of Activities and Services
Monday 20th January
- 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM – Morning Prayer in Church
- 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon – Pilgrim’s Rest in the Chapel
- 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM – Playhouse (parent, baby and toddlers) in the Community Centre
- 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM – The Meadows Bookshop and Giftshop
- 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM – Food Pantry available (emergency food support)
- 12:00 Noon to 1:45 PM – Lyrics and Lunch in the Community Centre and Church
- 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM – Quiet Hour in Church
- 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM – Bowl & Chat in the Community Centre
- 7:45 PM to 9:15 PM – Growth Group in the Community Centre
Tuesday 21st January
- 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM – Morning Prayer in Church
- 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon – Pilgrim’s Rest in the Chapel
- 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM – Playhouse (parent, baby and toddlers) in the Community Centre
- 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM – The Meadows Bookshop and Giftshop
- 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM – Food Pantry available (emergency food support)
- 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon – Craft & Chat in Church
- 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM – Lunch in the Community Centre
- 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM – Quiet Hour in Church
- 7:45 PM to 8:30 PM – Prayer for Growth in the Community Centre
Wednesday 22nd January
- 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM – Breakfast Club and Walking Bus to Royles Brook School in the Community Centre
- 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM – Fridaymen volunteers in the Churchyard and Church
- 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM – Morning Prayer in Church
- 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon – Pilgrim’s Rest in the Chapel
- 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM – Playhouse (parent, baby and toddlers) in the Community Centre
- 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM – The Meadows Bookshop and Giftshop
- 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM – Food Pantry available (emergency food support)
- 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM – Wednesday Morning Growth Group in Church
- 11:15 AM to 12:00 Noon – Traditional (BCP) service of Holy Communion in Church
- 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM – Lunches for Seniors in the Community Centre
- 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM – Quiet Hour in Church
- 2:00 PM – Coffee, Cake & Questions by Churches Together in Thornton in the Community Centre Hall
- 5:30 PM to 6:45 PM – Lighthouse in the Community Centre
- 7:30 PM to 8:45 PM – Worship Team Rehearsal
Thursday 23rd January
- 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM – Morning Prayer in the Bookshop
- 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon – Pilgrim’s Rest in the Chapel
- 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM – Playhouse (parent, baby and toddlers) in the Community Centre
- 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM – The Meadows Bookshop and Giftshop
- 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM – Food Pantry available (emergency food support)
- 12:00 Noon to 1:45 PM – Lyrics and Lunch in the Community Centre
- 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM – Quiet Hour in Church
- 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM – Bat & Chat in the Community Centre
Friday 24th January
- 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM – Fridaymen volunteers in the Churchyard and Church
- 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM – Morning Prayer in Church
- 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon – Pilgrim’s Rest in the Chapel
- 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM – The Meadows Bookshop and Giftshop
- 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM – Food Pantry available (emergency food support)
- 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon – Craft & Chat in Church
- 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM – Quiet Hour in Church
- 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM – ‘Cookhouse’ Family Teatime Cookery Class in the Community Centre
Saturday 25th January
- 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM – The Meadows Bookshop and Giftshop
+ Bible Workshop in Poulton (details further up in the email)
+ Football match in Blackpool (details further up in the email)
Sunday 26th January
- 9:00 AM – Traditional (The Book of Common Prayer) Service of Holy Communion (with refreshments afterwards)
- 10:00 AM – Meadows Books open (until 10:45 AM)
- 11:00 AM – Contemporary Communion Service (livestreamed and with refreshments afterwards)
- 12:15 PM – Meadows Books’ open (until 12:45 PM)
- 5:00 PM – Treehouse Family Worship (with refreshments)
- 6:00 PM – Meadows Books open (until 6:15 PM)
With blessings,