Christ Church Thornton relies entirely on donations from church members, visitors, grants and fees.​

Jesus taught about giving generously. There is an incident in the gospel where He noticed people giving money in the Temple. Some gave loads of money because they were rich and could afford to. But one poor widow put in all that she had left. She gave sacrificially whereas the rich people didn’t – they still had plenty to take home. The point is, giving comes from our heart. God is more concerned with why we give than how much we give.

The following are step by step instructions to give online.

1. Click on the “Donate” icon on the Homepage of the web site.  This will take you to a page which looks like  the following:

giving image1

2. Enter the amount and your email address and click on proceed.

giving image 2

An email will be sent to the email address you entered with a security code.

3. Enter this security code and click proceed.

giving image 3

The page will then be displayed which looks like the following:

giving image 4

4. Then choose your payment method – card, ApplePay, Google Pay, or bank details, and click Pay.

Finally, a success page confirms everything has been completed.

giving image 5

You will then receive a donation confirmation email.